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Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Blogging Journey: Using Technology in First Grade

Well this is it; my very first blog post! I'm a little excited and a lot nervous. Before this first post I have been sharing my ideas and experiences using technology in my first grade classroom in the limited 140 characters that twitter offers (follow me @ajyoung53). Don't get me wrong I absolutely love twitter, twitter chats, my PLN, and all the personal PD (thank you Karly for the addiction, follow her @KarlyMoura). I'm branching out of my 140 characters due to the encouragement of Karly and few others to start a blog about how I use technology with my 26 first graders.

Now I'm not claiming to be a technology expert, but I do consider myself pretty tech savvy and am almost always willing to try something new and learn along the way. Some days I teach my students about a new technology or app, and other days they are teaching me a thing or two about an app I thought I already knew how to use! This blog is going to be our journey together, teacher and students, as we learn how to incorporate technology into our classroom in order to enhance our learning, expand our creativity and develop our 21st century skills!

I will do my best to share the tips, tricks, and management techniques I learn along the way as I incorporate technology into my classroom. I'm excited for you to join my class and me on this journey.


  1. Fabulous first post Amanda! I can't wait to read the ones to come =)

  2. Looks great, Amanda!! Welcome to the world of blogging!! :)
